Okay, so I’ll be straight with you. WordPress has had a couple of updates of its software in fairly quick succession and the theme I use (the original layout which I’ve embroidered and shined and generally made mine) is a little ancient and creaking at the seams. There are a few things I can’t do, including adding a contact form. So I’m going to do an emergency re-design over the next few days. The theme I’m upgrading to isn’t pretty but I like the structure of it, so will need to amend the CSS to my liking. This means that if you’re checking this site between Friday 14th January and Monday 17th January it might look a bit bloody horrible. This is to save time  – I’ll be tweaking the CSS on the hoof while the site is live. I have some fab NEW stuff I want to add to my site and so this has got to happen right now, I’m afraid…