I’ve finally got around to getting the photos for the exhibition I had with willow sculptor Woody Fox in Aberystwyth last autumn off my phone and onto the internet! I’ve been so busy since then and now that I haven’t had a moment – but I’m delighted to share these with you now.

The paintings and prints are all my work and the willow is all his. We think our work fits really well together and we’re looking for galleries so we can work together again!

If you like what you see I do have a limited number of prints for sale.

The photos

hare painting

My largest work with Woody’s beautiful white stag

Woody’s white stag with my Eggesford Skull and his enormous head

My illustration of Bridget and the Fox, for the upcoming Fox Book for Graffeg, as a framed giclee print

badgers and badgers

Woody’s dragon. We had some fun hanging this one!

Our lions and another skull painting. Not that I’m obsessed with skulls or anything. This one is called Death as an Ally.

hare fox paintings acrylic

Our work fits so well together. A stag head hangs between my sibling fox and hare paintings

Me with my lovely giant hare, Yma, Ysgyfarnog, Yma. I think it took about four years to finish. Started about the time of Obama’s inauguration (I was listening to it on R4 while painting!) Photo credit: my dad

Woody and me enjoying a well-earned beer! Photo credit: Nicky Shay