A while back, Richard Tierney of creative talks got in touch about a concept for a TV show he was planning on promoting. The show is about glamorous globe-trotting women, so naturally he came to me (ahem).

I originally created a logo featuring a pair of bright red lips. This time Richard wanted business cards. He wanted something special and I got rather excited, as is my wont, and ordered samples of all sorts of weird and wonderful paper stocks, got prices for die-cutting, foil-blocking, spot colours, spot UV and all manner of other technical stuff. Then I and my print consultant (a man of endless patience) whittled down the options to see what we could do in budget.

The resulting cards are these beautifully-printed square cards (yes, I have a thing for square cards at the moment), featuring a subtle dark-grey Japanese-style wallpaper pattern on black background. The lips shine out in indulgent scarlet foil blocking. The contact details are simply blocked on the reverse. I’m rather proud of them!