Just a little missive to inform y’all that, after a bit of a hiatus, my newsletters will be getting right down in your inboxes again from this weekend. They’ll be brief but full to the brim of recent work, inspiring things I’ve unearthed from the internet and maybe even some kittens. So there!
You may sign up here, if it pleases you x
Hi Caroline,
I have stumbled upon your work and fantastic website entirely by accident…and how delighted, excited and inspired I am for doing so!
You have a firm new fan 🙂 🙂 I’m so impressed by your powers of design and communication. I’m even more in awe of the amount of effort and input into building this website/blog where newbies to the freelancing design industry like me can gain some direction.
I have just read your ‘awesome brief’ guide. It is fantastic. I have also purchased all recommended books (4 so far!) So yes I’m clearly a big fan. Thanking my lucky stars to have found some guidance after 10 months of finding my way in the dark.
I’m relatively new to the freelancing world, and to graphic design. By trade I’m an architect – trained for 7 years and worked full time for about 5 years. I moved to The Netherlands a year ago where I live with my Dutch fiance and two old rescue doggies. We are happy! Struggling along (due to my work situation) but getting there.
So I have realised in the past month (due to feedback and a very nice large brochure design job) that I appear to be quite good at graphic design – and of course communication. As this is such a huge portion of the process. I think I’m good at communication, but you are amazing. As are your design skills and systems. WOW! I’m so impressed. Sorry for repeating, but really I am.
I’m at the very start of the freelancing path and have lots and lots to learn. I have just invested some of my meager profits of year one in a calibrator…good monitor..reading material and such. It’s a long road ahead but with the help of people like you I can now structure it and know what to expect. So I will be keeping a close eye here for inspiration!
Keep up your amazing work,
With much awe,
Lisa Carolan, age 31, Purmerend, The Netherlands
…Irish by design though
You are too kind! Thank you so much! *blushes*