I listed the things I’ve got on over the next four weeks and I thought I’d do a little blog post to share. My job isn’t and never has been just one thing, and I like to work on very different projects simultaneously, finding that they inform and inspire each other in rather lovely ways.

A List of Things

  • A logo design for a vegan Cornish catering company
  • A logo design for a newly-self-employed counsellor
  • 5 x illustrations for WEN Wales along with a document design, with the possibility of an infographic too
  • Album artwork for the delectable Marc Block
  • Preparations for my upcoming art show in Aberystwyth with willow sculptor Woody Fox
  • A website design
  • And, er, starting my part-time Master’s (two days a week) in Falmouth School of Art at the end of September!

I have a few days clear between here and there so if you need something doing get in touch ASAP. I’m booking more substantial projects from the last week of September now.