by Frank | Jan 4, 2018
I was commissioned by TUC Wales Cymru to design, picture-research and source print for these perfect-bound A4 toolkits, available in both Welsh and English. They provide information to union reps around supporting members during the menopause. They’ve been created to adhere to the TUC’s fabulous new brand guidelines. They’re printed on uncoated 100% recycled paper.
by Frank | Jan 4, 2018
I designed these glossy brochures, did the picture research, a good deal of photoshop work and created the 30th Anniversary seal you see foil-blocked onto the top left hand corner.
by Frank | Jan 1, 2018
I was commissioned to create a suite of booklets for each of the locations in the National Museums Wales group. They’re tilt-and-turn/coming-and-going (so one side from cover to centre is English, you flip the booklet and the other is in Welsh) and are coloured to match the museums’ brand guidelines.
Their purpose was to be mailed out to schools across the country to inform teachers of upcoming exhibitions and workshops.
I suggested the booklets be A5 to save on postage. My ability to understand Welsh (although not fluent) was vital for this project.
The booklets are printed on 100% recycled uncoated paper.
by Frank | Jan 1, 2018
I created the logo and packaging design for this wonderful start-up. I love working with fellow vegans! Sam O’Grady said:
“I feel extremely blessed to have found Frank! Frank took my rough idea, developed a handful of concepts (all of which would have actually been great) and worked with us to refine the logo, develop our product labels, and think about our brand. Ironically, when Frank first described one of the logo concepts I thought it would be my least favourite, but it’s now our logo! I love it and get so much positive feedback about it. Frank is extremely talented, the combination of graphic design & illustration means that Frank’s work can be corporate or creative or a combination.
Choose Frank, trust Frank, and like me you’ll never need anyone else!”