by Frank | Dec 10, 2010 | web design
Just a quick post to show off the website I’ve just designed for shamanic healer Kerstin Schmidt. Like my own site, it was designed using WordPress and CSS, and can be added to and amended by Kerstin herself very simply, and with no knowledge of coding necessary. Oh, I did her logo, too!
by Frank | Jul 7, 2010 | blog news, web design
Wooooo! Shiny new WordPress site! Very happy with it right now but will probably tweak pages etc over the next few weeks. Now my website and blog can all be in one seamless glorious place.
A little plugin called Blogger Importer doesn’t appear to be working, so at present I can’t import my old posts. If you’d like to see them, they’re still here.
WordPress is great for several reasons – it’s w3 compatible and very search-engine friendly. Disparity of appearance between various browsers is limited, and this and the fact it’s prettified using Cascading Style Sheets mean that, provided they know their CSS, designers have maximum control over how a site looks.
This is the first site I’ve designed using WP, but I have a few more in the pipeline – watch this space.